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  1. Scott Nearing (August 6, 1883 – August 24, 1983) was an American radical economist, educator, writer, political activist, pacifist, vegetarian and advocate of simple living .

  2. Scott Nearing (né le 6 août 1883 et mort le 24 août 1983 ), économiste de formation, est un militant pacifiste et socialiste américain, promoteur de la simplicité volontaire.

  3. The mission of the Good Life Center is to perpetuate the legacy of Helen and Scott Nearing. The Good Life Center, through its programming and preservation of the historic Forest Farm homestead, advocates for simple and sustainable living skills, social and economic justice, organic gardening and the non-exploitation of animals.

  4. The Good Life Center is the final home of Helen and Scott Nearing, in Harborside, Maine, on five acres of forested land overlooking Spirit Cove. The mission of the Good Life Center is to perpetuate the legacy of Helen and Scott Nearing.

  5. How Scott and Helen Nearing's Living the Good Life shaped a generation. On Maine’s Cape Rosier, Scott and Helen Nearing built their own stone houses, grew their own food, and stepped to their own music. Courtesy of the Walden Woods Project’s Thoreau Institute Library.

  6. Scott Nearing was brilliant, without doubt, influencing generations over his century-long life by advocating what he believed to be a back-to-nature lifestyle of economic and social purity. “If I am rich and you are poor,” Nearing wrote, “both of us are corrupted by inequality.”

  7. Scott Nearing was thought to be crazy, but his advice on living simply and sanely in 1954 spurred the back-to-the-land movement.