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  1. Arnold Büscher (16 December 1899 – 2 August 1949) was a German SS officer. Holding the rank of SS- Obersturmführer, he served as a commandant of the Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp, succeeding Amon Göth, from September 1944 until January 1945.

  2. 27 janv. 2019 · After Göth’s arrest, the camp passed into the hands of SS-Obersturmführer Arnold Büscher. Though no saint himself, Büscher immediately made life more bearable for the prisoners in his charge by upping their rations and stopping the random hangings and shootings that were a daily feature of camp life under Göth.

  3. Arnold Büscher (* 16. Dezember 1899 in Rehme (jetzt Bad Oeynhausen); † 2. August 1949) war ein deutscher KZ-Kommandant. Er war der Leiter der Lagerwache im KZ Plaszow im Zeitraum September 1944 bis etwa Januar 1945.

  4. Of the remaining staff, Arnold Büscher was sentenced to death in Krakow, Poland for his crimes in Płaszów Concentration Camp and hanged in 1949. Prisoner capo chief Walter Besch, whom witnesses testified had killed other prisoners, was apparently never brought to justice.

  5. Camp administration was assumed by SS-Obersturmführer Arnold Büscher. He improved the inmates' diets by allowing eggs, sugar and powdered milk. Prisoner victims Life in the camp The balcony of Amon Göth's villa in Płaszów.

  6. Le 13 septembre 1944, Göth est relevé de ses fonctions et remplacé par Arnold Büscher. Peu après, en novembre 1944, il est accusé d'avoir détourné à son profit, lors de la liquidation des ghettos notamment de Varsovie et de Tarnow, des biens qui appartiennent au Reich.

  7. › en › historySatellite camps - Startseite

    Little is known about the two final commanders of the camp, Arnold Büscher and a man named Schwanke. During the first two months, the prisoners were guarded by French SS men who were eventually replaced by around 200 navy artillerymen.