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  1. Herbert Hoover. The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace is a remarkable organization that was founded by an extraordinary individual, Herbert Hoover. Orphaned at the age of ten, at seventeen, Hoover joined four hundred students at Stanford University for inaugural ceremonies that opened the university on October 1, 1891.

  2. Herbert Hoover, mining engineer, humanitarian, statesman, and 31st President of the United States, was born August 10, 1874 in a simple two-room cottage in West Branch, Iowa. His Quaker family had helped settle the town, and their principles of honesty, hard work, simplicity, and generosity guided Hoover throughout his life of service to the nation and the world.

  3. Personal EnlargeDownload Link Portrait of Herbert Hoover, 1928. 31-1928-e86 DownloadPrint Portrait of Herbert Hoover, 1928. 31-1928-e86 Herbert Clark Hoover (August 10, 1874–October 20, 1964), mining engineer, humanitarian, U.S. Secretary of Commerce, and 31st President of the United States, was the son of Jesse Hoover, a blacksmith, and Hulda Minthorn Hoover, a seamstress and

  4. HERBERT CLARK. (1874-1964) Après des études à Stanford (Calif.), Herbert C. Hoover devient ingénieur des mines et travaille dans l'ouest des États-Unis, puis en Australie, en Asie, en Europe, en Amérique du Sud. Il est en Chine lorsque éclate la révolte des Boxers (1900) ; il révèle alors de remarquables talents d'organisateur et met ...

  5. Élete. Hoover 1874. augusztus 10-én született egy kis iowai faluban, West Branchben, de Oregonban nőtt fel. Édesapja, Jessie Clark Hoover kvéker volt, Ohióból származott és svájci felmenői voltak, akik eredetileg a Huber nevet viselték. Édesanyja, született Huldah Randall Minthorn ősei angolok voltak. Egy bátyja (Theodor) és ...

  6. Arguably the father of both New Deal liberalism and modern conservatism, Herbert Hoover lived one of the most extraordinary American lives of the twentieth century. Yet however astonishing, his accomplishments are often eclipsed by the perception that Hoover was inept and heartless in the face of the Great Depression.

  7. Herbert Clark Hoover (10. august 1874 – 20. oktoober 1964) oli Ameerika Ühendriikide 31. president, Vabariikliku Partei liige. Ta oli ametis 1929 – 1933 . Aastatel 1919 – 1923 juhtis ta Ameerika Ühendriikide ja Euroopa riikide loodud ühiskondlikku organisatsiooni АРА, mis kogus ja jaotas abi pärast Venemaa kodusõda lagunenud majandusega Vene SFNV -le.