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  1. › wx › enSAQ-B2B

    Guide - Current Standards - Constitution and Stability. Order Renewals - Analysis Certificate; Guide - Bottle labelling and packaging. Single-use Plastics Prohibition Regulations

  2. 9 mai 2022 · Our teams’ hard work has enabled the SAQ to offer among the best prices all around the liquor boards of Canada since 2018. In fact, most of the products on SAQ shelves are priced lower than anywhere else in North America. Despite this enviable state of affairs, the issue of product prices at the SAQ resurfaces from time to time in the news.

  3. › wx › enSAQ-B2B

    The site makes it possible for suppliers to do business with the SAQ online. Transactions related to the purchase, shipping and reception of products can be carried out on site. To do business with the SAQ, a supplier must first subscribe to the portal by following the instructions found in the document Creating and Resetting Accounts on SAQ-B2B.

  4. › wx › enSAQ-B2B

    Supplier code of ethics and conduct How to become a product supplier Modification Updating Supplier Contact Information How to Change the Supplier for a Product SAQ- B2B: Delegation rule Delegation rule - Detail Delegation rule – Product list Order Processing Confirm Shipment

  5. Bienvenue dans l'application des importations privées . Code usager. Mot de passe

  6. offres que vous présenterez à la SAQ. Vous pouvez y avoir accès via le site Si vous n’avez pas d’accès, veuillez vous référer à la capsule d’information Création et réinitialisation de compte dans SAQ-B2B. En suivant la marche à suivre ci-dessous, vous aurez accès à toutes vos offres (brouillon,

  7. La SAQ limite la teneur en caféine des boissons alcooliques qu’elle commercialise à 30 mg par portion. 8. Dénominations à utiliser sur les étiquettes :