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  1. En juin ou juillet 451, dans une plaine située près de Troyes, les armées d’Aetius défont les cavaliers huns. Dernière grande victoire des Romains d’Occident sur les « Barbares », la bataille des champs Catalauniques doit surtout sa célébrité à l’un de ses protagonistes, ­Attila, roi des Huns, dont la terrible réputation frappa les esprits contemporains et traversa les siècles.

  2. 12 sept. 2019 · Their most notorious leader, Attila the Hun, solidified that perception. Between 440 and 453 A.D., he led Hunnic hordes throughout much of Europe, including Gaul (modern-day France).

  3. 27 janv. 2019 · This timeline shows the significant events in the history of the Huns, with emphasis on the reign of Attila the Hun, in a simple one-page format. For a more-detailed recounting, please see the in-depth timeline of Attila and the Huns.

  4. The fall of the Xiongnu Empire lead to the migration of many tribes – especially Turkic ones – away from the Altai-Transbaikal area in eastern Central Asia i...

  5. Attila, or Attila the Hun (406-453), was a leader of the Huns from 434 CE until he died in 453 CE. He was one of the most common ruler. Attila led the Hunnic Empire , and was known as a feared military commander.

  6. 2 sept. 2022 · Attila was king of the Huns, ... and how to ride and care for a horse,” writes University of Cambridge professor Christopher Kelly in his book “Attila the Hun” (The Bodley Head, 2008).

  7. › wiki › AttilaAttila – Wikipedia

    Attila (cirka 406–453) var hunnernas kung 434–453. Han kallades av samtiden Guds gissel . Attila härskade över ett stort antal folk främst i östra Europa .