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  1. The English Defence League ( EDL) is a far-right, Islamophobic organisation in England. A social movement and pressure group that employs street demonstrations as its main tactic, the EDL presents itself as a single-issue movement opposed to Islamism and Islamic extremism, although its rhetoric and actions target Islam and Muslims more widely.

  2. L'English Defence League ou EDL (en français : Ligue de défense anglaise) est un mouvement politique anglais formé le 27 juin 2009 par Tommy Robinson et classé à l'extrême droite, bien qu'officiellement le groupe en lui-même se défende d'être orienté politiquement et se dise opposé au racisme.

  3. English Defence League. EDL objectives are to defend Great Britain & Northern Ireland against the attacks on it from mass immigration, Islamisation and its radical zealots and the destruction of British culture and heritage. We are proud of our white British history.

  4. The Ideology of the English Defence League comprises the beliefs of the English Defence League, a far-right, Islamophobic organisation in the United Kingdom. Political scientists identified the EDL as existing on the far-right of the left–right political spectrum.

  5. The English Defence League (EDL) believes that British society is under attack by Muslim extremists. Since 2009, the group has held what British media has routinely referred to as “aggressive rallies” across England.

  6. 12 mars 2018 · The English Defence League (EDL) had begun life in Luton less than two years before. On that occasion, several hundred far-right activists had marched through the streets. Now, they were in their...

  7. Objectives. Our aims include protests, direct action and raising funds for direct action. These funds will go towards the defence of your nation, culture, values, race and group security to deter those who wish us harm. All data has military grade encryption and is secure.

  8. 2 déc. 2015 · Joel Busher reflects on what his 16 months of ethnographic fieldwork with the English Defence League tells us about what distinguishes them from the ‘ordinary English people’ that they claim to represent.

  9. L'English Defence League ou EDL est un mouvement politique anglais formé le 27 juin 2009 par Tommy Robinson et classé à l'extrême droite, bien qu'officiellement le groupe en lui-même se défende d'être orienté politiquement et se dise opposé au racisme.

  10. 20 janv. 2014 · The English Defence League (EDL) emerged in 2009 and quickly became a major ‘anti-Islamist’ street protest movement, able to attract thousands to its national demonstrations.