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  1. Jesus Dies on the Cross. 45 Now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour there was darkness over all the land. 46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”.

  2. 6 avr. 2023 · Jesus’ death on the cross symbolizes the Christian call to “take up our cross” daily and choose God each day by the power of the Holy Spirit. Crucifixion is also defined as unjust treatment or persecution, aptly defining what it often costs us in this life to follow Christ.

  3. If you ask five people, “Why did Jesus die on the cross?” you’ll likely get a dozen different answers. For some, it’s about a sacrifice related to human sin and God’s wrath, mercy, and forgiveness. For others, the focus might be on a cosmic victory, where Jesus’ death in some way defeats death itself.

  4. Jesus’ death on the cross of Calvary was the culmination of His incredible work of love for us people. By His death He reconciled those who believe in Him with God, and through His life He opened a way back to the Father for those who follow Him.

  5. Death: Matthew 27:4556 At noon, a three-hour-long darkness came across the land. About three, Jesus cried out loud: "Eli, Eli, lema sabachtani?" Bystander offered Jesus wine vinegar, others said: "Now let's see if Elijah saves him." Jesus cried out again and died. Temple curtain ripped, earthquake.

  6. 14 févr. 2024 · His death on the cross is seen as the means by which humanity can be reconciled with God and have their sins forgiven, offering the gift of salvation. Before 9:00 AM: Jesus on the Way to Golgotha. Scripture: Matthew 27:31-34; Mark 15:20-23; Luke 23:26-33; and John 19:17. The Romans intended crucifixion to be. unspeakably cruel.

  7. 29 oct. 2019 · By 400 AD the cross was ceasing to be viewed as something shameful. Crucifixion had come to serve as an emblem of triumph over sin and death