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  1. Mary of Jesus of Ágreda (Spanish: María de Jesús de Ágreda), OIC, also known as the Abbess of Ágreda (2 April 1602 – 24 May 1665), was a Franciscan abbess and spiritual writer, known especially for her extensive correspondence with King Philip IV of Spain and reports of her bilocation between Spain and its colonies in New Spain.

  2. Marie Férnande Coronel (en castillan : María Fernandez Coronel), en religion sœur Marie de Jesus de Agreda, née le 22 novembre 1602, morte le 24 mai 1665 à Ágreda, est une religieuse et une mystique espagnole.

  3. Esta mujer humilde, sencilla, tímida, de escasos estudios; llegaría a ser con el tiempo: consejera de grandes figuras, entre ellas el rey Felipe IV; evangelizadora sin salir de su convento; mística, abadesa, gran escritora, su obra más conocida es la Mística Ciudad de Dios, en la que narra la historia de la vida de la Virgen María ...

  4. María Coronel y Arana, más conocida como María de Jesús de Ágreda O.I.C. (Ágreda, 2 de abril de 1602 - Ágreda, 24 de mayo de 1665), abadesa del convento de las Madres Concepcionistas de Ágreda, Soria, también conocida como La Venerable, Sor María, o Madre Ágreda, fue una escritora y monja concepcionista española.

  5. Sister Marie of Jesus of Ágreda, was one of the big figures of the 17th century, the so called “Golden century of the Baroque”; one century also marked by the decadence and the widespread crisis, of which Spain did not escape.

  6. 14 avr. 2021 · María de Jesús de Agreda (the Lady in Blue) was born in the Spanish village of Agreda near the border of Aragon and Navarre in April of 1602, the eldest daughter of Francisco Coronel and Catalina of Arana. In her youth María, baptized María Coronel, demonstrated unusual piety and remarkable memory.

  7. Sister Maria de Jesus de Ágreda was not only missionary she, but she was a sower of missionaries restlessness and inspiring of vocations of big and saint missionaries.