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  1. “Is it ok” and “would it be ok” are both ways to ask permission in English. You can also use “Is it ok” when you want to know if something is safe.

  2. 28 mars 2024 · When deciding between “Is it Ok” and “Would it be Ok”, the main difference lies in politeness and situation. “Is it Ok” is more direct and used when you’re in a casual or familiar setting. It’s straightforward and gets right to the point.

  3. en français. isit. ISIT estIl. OK d'accord bien bon aller. Suggérer un exemple. Plus de résultats. Access with strollers, is it ok? L'accès avec poussettes, est-il autorisé ? Is it ok to customize? Yes. est il ok à personnaliser? oui. Is it ok to make fire? Est-il autorisé de faire du feu ? Q4: Is it ok for customization service?

  4. 10 mars 2012 · O.K. is only used in prose if the writer is describing the activity of another writer. E.g.: "He wrote 'O.K.' on the invoice."

  5. Traduction de "is it OK" en français. est-il acceptable. est-ce ok. est-il autorisé. est-il correct. est-ce correct. est-il en bon état. est il ok. est-il OK. ça te va. Voir plus. When is it OK to activate instead of updating a plugin? Quand est-il acceptable d'activer au lieu de mettre à jour un plugin ? Is it OK to buy one item.

  6. 13 déc. 2019 · Short answer: Yes! Both “OK” and “okay” mean “all right,” and they can both be used to express agreement. Many people think “OK” is a shortened version of “okay,” but, as explained above, “OK” came first. In fact, “OK” has been around since the 1840s, with “okay” emerging a few decades later.

  7. 13. How would you ask something along the lines of “Is it ok if…?” as in “Is it ok if I park here?” or “Is it ok if I bring my sister?”? Google translate suggests either " Est-ce que correct si… " or simply “ Est-ce que je peux… ”.