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  1. The love story between a college student and his 40-year-old professor of film studies (like de Kuyper at the time), specialized in Hollywood dramas, takes an unusual twist when the two decide to visit the student’s parents. The father turns out to be the professor's lover of fifteen years ago.

  2. 24 févr. 2021 · Lisa rediscovers a glimmer of happiness after leaving her cheating husband. When he suffers a debilitating stroke, however, Lisa is forced to return home and nurture him back to health. ...more ...

  3. «Far and away the most narratively straight-forward of de Kuyper’s films, A STRANGE LOVE AFFAIR is a bracing yet tender dissection of middle age and loves lost, a joint homage to BRIEF ENCOUNTER and ALL THAT HEAVEN ALLOWS. Shot by the legendary Henri Alekan (WINGS OF DESIRE, BELLE ET LA BETE), the film revisits JOHNNY GUITAR’S query as to whether or not relationships once interrupted can ...

  4. 8 mars 2016 · Net als in de Griekse mythe over de beeldschone Narcissus die op zijn eigen spiegelbeeld verliefd wordt, verandert Rowans ogenschijnlijke zelfverzekerdheid in grootheidswaan. Op sprookjesachtige wijze verkent A Strange Love Affair with Ego de grens tussen gezonde en ongezonde zelfliefde.

  5. Film professor Michael falls in love with one of his students and is confronted with his pupil's father, with whom he had an affair over 15 years ago. This unexpected meeting abruptly overturns the lives of all the characters.

  6. Réalisation : Eric de Kuyper, Paul Verstraten. Principaux artistes : Howard Hensel, Karl Scheydt, Lieke Leo, Pascale Petit. Genre : Comédie dramatique. Titre original : A strange love affair. Nationalité : Pays-Bas. Durée : 1h32. Date de sortie (ou ressortie) : 2 avril 1986. Distributeur : Films Sans Frontières. Partager sur : Présentation.

  7. Ana Santos. Dans Nations et Nationalismes, Gellner souligne à quel point le facteur national est devenu un point de référence essentiel dans limaginaire commun. Selon lui, la seule idée d’un homme sans nation semble imposer un paradoxe à l’imaginaire moderne.