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  1. 4 sept. 2012 · Perhaps the most familiar basic issue in the theory of beauty is whether beauty is subjectivelocated ‘in the eye of the beholder’—or rather an objective feature of beautiful things.

  2. 13 août 2006 · How can something be beautiful in different ways? This blog post explores the linguistic and metaphysical aspects of beauty, and suggests that beauty can be objective or subjective depending on the property or experience involved. It also discusses the role of aesthetic experience and the properties of beauty in sports.

  3. 12 sept. 2023 · How does beauty vary across individuals and cultures? This article explores the role of personal factors, social norms, and historical influences in shaping our perceptions of beauty. It argues that beauty is both subjective and objective, and that society plays a key role in determining what is beautiful.

  4. 28 févr. 2003 · The first necessary condition of a judgment of taste is that it is essentially subjective. What this means is that the judgment of taste is based on a feeling of pleasure or displeasure. This distinguishes judgments of taste from empirical judgments. Central examples of judgments of taste are judgments of beauty and ugliness.

  5. Le beau devient éminemment subjectif. L’expérience ne montre-t-elle pas qu’une œuvre ne produit pas ses effets de manière homogène et égale ? Pourquoi certains pleurent-ils alors que d’autres dansent à l’écoute du même air ?

  6. Il y a 2 jours · Today we think of beauty as subjective, even when it comes to the most apparently gorgeous members of a society. That doesn’t mean we have to take anyone else’s opinion lying down.

  7. David Hume (1711-1776) argued that beauty does not lie in “things” but is entirely subjective, a matter of feelings and emotion. Beauty is in the mind of of the person beholding the object, and what is beautiful to one observer may not be so to another.