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  1. José Cazorla Maure (1903 – 8 April 1940) was a Spanish communist leader during the Spanish Civil War (193639). He was one of the leaders of the Unified Socialist Youth. For several months in 1936–37 he was a member of the Madrid Defense Council in charge of public order.

  2. José Cazorla Maure était le suppléant de Santiago Carrillo Solares, secrétaire général de la Jeunesse Socialiste Unifiée (JSU), à la Délégation (...)

  3. José Cazorla Maure (Madrid, 1906 - Madrid, 8 de abril de 1940) fue un dirigente comunista español.

  4. Selon l'historien britannique Antony Beevor, l'ordre de tuer les prisonniers venait probablement du communiste espagnol José Cazorla Maure, ou, plus indirectement, du conseiller soviétique Mikhaïl Koltsov 12 . Typologie et nombre des victimes.

  5. According to the British historian Antony Beevor, the order to kill the prisoners most likely came from the Spanish communist José Cazorla Maure or, more indirectly, from the Soviet advisor Mikhail Koltsov.

  6. José Cazorla Moure (Madrid, 1906 - 8 d'abril de 1940) fou un dirigent comunista espanyol. Biografia. El 1936 formà part, juntament amb Santiago Carrillo, José Laín Entralgo i Federico Melchor Fernández, del Comitè Nacional d'Enllaç d'unificació amb l'UJCE de la que en sorgiren les Joventuts Socialistes Unificades.

  7. During his term in office, Melchor Rodríguez García revealed that José Cazorla Maure, a counsellor of state security of the Council of Defence of Madrid, had organized a net of private, illegal prisons that the Communist Party of Spain ran.