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  1. Le château de Gripsholm (en suédois, Gripsholms slott), à Mariefred au bord du lac Mälaren, est l’un des principaux monuments historiques de Suède.

  2. Gripsholm Castle (Swedish: Gripsholms slott) is a castle in Mariefred, Södermanland, Sweden. It is located by lake Mälaren in south central Sweden, in the municipality of Strängnäs, about 60 km west of Stockholm. Since Gustav Vasa, Gripsholm has belonged to the Swedish Royal Family and was used as one of their residences until the 18th century.

  3. Gripsholms slott, le château de Gripsholm. La forteresse de Gripsholm compte cinq cents ans d’histoire. Vous y trouverez les plus beaux exemples de chambres du pays datant de l’époque des rois Vasa et l’un des théâtres du XVIIIe siècle les mieux conservés d’Europe.

  4. Gripsholm Castle is a historic royal palace in Sweden, built by King Gustav Vasa in the 16th century. It has state apartments, a theatre, a portrait collection and a nature reserve nearby.

  5. Le Château de Gripsholm a eu une histoire mouvementée et le lion empaillé vous laissera un souvenir impérissable. L’imposante bâtisse de brique, entourée par les eaux du lac Mälaren, domine la petite ville pittoresque de Mariefred en invitant à la rêverie.

  6. Gripsholm Castle, where Swedens famous faces can be seen, is open daily from May. The castle is home to the country's largest portrait c... Tickets

  7. Gripsholm Castle is the oldest royal castle in Sweden, built by Gustav Vasa in 1537. It houses a collection of portraits, furniture and interiors from four centuries, and has a romantic park and a deer reserve.