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  1. Il y a 21 heures · En son sens large, le fascisme se définit comme une réaction aux valeurs de l' humanisme démocratique du siècle des Lumières. Issu des frustrations engendrées par ce nouveau modèle de société, le fascisme rejette les droits de l'homme, le communisme, l' anarchisme, les libertés individuelles et le libéralisme politique .

  2. Il y a 3 jours · Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola, plus connu sous le nom de Julius Evola, né à Rome le 19 mai 1898 et mort dans la même ville le 11 juin 1974, est un philosophe, « métaphysicien » note 1, poète, peintre, ésotériste et idéologue d' extrême-droite italien.

  3. Il y a 2 jours · Fascism’s most important intellectual and theorist, Giovanni Gentile, was based in Florence and was killed there by communist partisans during World War II.

  4. Il y a 5 jours · Italian Fascism is the original fascist ideology, born from the writings and practices of Giovanni Gentile and Benito Mussolini. We see it's historical practice by Benito Mussolini's parties: the National Fascist Party (PNF), which ruled the Kingdom of Italy from 1922 until 1943, and the Republican Fascist Party that lorded over the ...

  5. Il y a 3 jours · Later, the theoretician of Italian Fascism Giovanni Gentile ascribed politically positive meanings to the ideological terms totalitarianism and totalitarian in defence of Duce Mussolini's legal, illegal, and legalistic social engineering of Italy.

  6. › bibliografia › saggiSaggi - agb

    Il y a 4 jours · Giovanni Gentile in Vita pensata Numero 22 – Maggio 2020 Pagine 70-79. 89. Metafisiche contemporanee in Vita pensata Numero 22, Maggio 2020 pagine 5-11. 90. Vita e salute. Il paradigma Don Abbondio in Krisis. Corpi, Confino e Conflitto Catartica Edizioni, 2020 Pagine 27-54. 91. Contro il politicamente corretto in I linguaggi del potere.

  7. Il y a 4 jours · D'Souza also maintained that Italian philosopher Giovanni Gentile, who influenced Italian fascism, was a leftist, to which Gottfried noted that this contradicted the research by "almost all scholars of Gentile's work, from across the political spectrum, who view him, as I do in my study of fascism, as the most distinguished ...