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  1. 15 janv. 2024 · Rococo was the major art movement of the 18th century. Its main characteristics are lightness, decorativeness, and subjects from everyday life of the elite. During this period, we find Rococo in most European countries, with Paris, Venice, and London being the three major cities that impacted the development of the mov

  2. Turner in Venice Whistler in Venice Monet in Venice Art UK This is a cultural education charity on a mission to make the art in UK public collections accessible to everyone – for enjoyment, learning and research.There mission is to are bring together the nation’s art, on one platform for the world to see.

  3. With his characteristic lyricism, Watteau captures the charm of a relaxed moment in which a group of people are gallantly presented in a garden. The predominant feeling is one of evanescence, resulting in a peculiar lack of definition: an atmosphere that blurs the contours and very nearly blends the sculptures in the fountain and pedestal into natural surroundings lit from an undetermined source.

  4. 9 juil. 2022 · Although the career of Jean-Antoine Watteau (1684-1721) abruptly ended when he was still in his thirties, he left a permanent mark on the world of art.. He invented an entirely new genre called “Fêtes Galantes,” depictions of people having a good time in extremely theatrical parkland surroundings.

  5. Other writers have sought sources for his style in17th century Dutch and Flemish painting; which was to be seen in Venice at the period. Contemporary references to Longhi as the creator of “speaking caricatures“, led inevitably to the comparison of his genre paintings with the graphic work of Hogarth; readily available in Venetian printshops by 174.

  6. Froissart, a cynical and slightly corrupt French intellectual, awaits an order to ship a priceless stolen painting by the great eighteenth-century French master Watteau. Holed up in a luxurious Venetian villa with a beautiful American student, he reflects on his escapades among the jet set, the sex lives of the great artists and composers, and the "value" of culture.

  7. By 1721, Carriera's left Venice for Paris, as portraits by her were in great demand. While in Paris, as a guest of the great amateur and art collector, Pierre Crozat. She painted Watteau, all the royalty and nobility from the King