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  1. Daily Practice of Guru Drakpo by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö; A short daily practice of Guru Drakpo, a wrathful form of Padmasambhava, here in his red, two-armed appearance.

  2. Dark red in colour with one face and two hands, ཞལ་གདངས་མཆེ་གཙིགས་སྤྱན་གསུམ་པ། །.

  3. OM AH HUNG ARTSIK NIRTSIK NAMO BHAGAWATE HUNG HUNG (PHAT) AH HUNG HUNG PHAT Guru Dragpo, a wrathful form of Guru Rinpoche, is a fierce protector of the Dharma and a destroyer of obstacles on...

  4. 16 juil. 2014 · Guru Drakpo (gu ru drag po) est l’une des formes courroucées de Padmasambhava (8e siècle), le second Buddha venu au Tibet afin de diffuser les enseignements de la tradition bouddhique.

  5. 26 sept. 2015 · - Initiation de Gourou Dragpo, forme courroucée de Padmasambhava, selon la tradition de Jigmé Lingpa. Gourou Dragpo détruit tous les obstacles sur la voie de l'éveil. Cette pratique est très efficace pour transformer les conditions négatives en sagesse lumineuse. Dimanche 27 septembre à 14h30.

  6. Guru Dragpo, (English: Wrathful Teacher) wrathful Padmasambhava with consort, from the Terma (Revealed Treasure) Lineage of Nyang Ral Nyima Ozer (1124-1192). Fierce in appearance and red in colour he has one face, three round bulbous eyes, a gaping mouth with bared fangs and yellow hair flowing upward. The two hands hold a gold vajra upraised ...

  7. Guru Dragpo, originating in the 'Revealed Treasure' Tradition of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, attributed to Nyangral Nyima Ozer (1124–1192), is a wrathful meditational form of Padmasambhava. Although technically a guruyoga practice the function of Guru Dragpo is that of an ishtadevata (meditational deity).