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  1. Le nom « Terrible two » (de l’anglais « terribles 2 ans ») désigne la phase d’opposition qui commence vers l’âge de 18 mois et peut durer jusqu’aux 3-4 ans de l’enfant. Bien qu’elle prenne...

  2. 6 mars 2024 · Are you in the midst of the terrible twos – or dreading them? Learn why kids go through this stage and what you can do.

  3. 25 févr. 2019 · Learn what to expect from the terrible twos, a normal developmental phase marked by tantrums, defiance, and mood swings. Find out how to cope with the behavior and when to seek help.

  4. Survivre aux « Terrible Twos » D’un instant à l’autre, votre enfant passe d’affectueux à colérique sans raison apparente? Il pourrait s’agir de ces terribles deux ans. Les Terrible Twos sont une phase du développement qui se produit chez l’enfant entre 18 et 36 mois.

  5. 21 juin 2024 · The "terrible twos" is a normal phase of child development around 18 months in which children struggle to gain independence, often leading to defiance and tantrums.

  6. Learn what the terrible twos are, when they start, how to deal with them and when they end. Find out why toddlers have tantrums, biting, crankiness and other challenging behaviors, and how to cope with them.

  7. 15 sept. 2023 · The terrible twoscharacterized by defiant behavior, including saying “no,” hitting, kicking, biting or ignoring rules—can start as early as just after a first birthday or may not set in until a child is 3 years old.