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  1. In 1995, at a global conference concerning the rights of women, governments from around the world agreed on a comprehensive plan to achieve global gender equality, known as the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. 25 years later, this film offers glimpses into advances made towards gender equality in Baha’i communities around the world.

  2. 8 févr. 2021 · A feature-length film on gender equality produced by the Baháí International Community (BIC) premiered on February 3rd at a virtual screening before a gathering of UN officials, ambassadors of member states, non-governmental organizations, and other civil society actors.

  3. 4 févr. 2021 · Glimpses into the Spirit of Gender Equality, a feature-length film produced by the Bahá’í International Community (BIC) examines advances in the area of equa...

  4. 3 févr. 2021 · The film highlights advances in gender equality seen in communities in Colombia, India, Malaysia, the United States, and Zambia, and explores conditions key to such advances. An educational process that assists individuals to develop along physical, intellectual and spiritual dimensions is one such condition.

  5. Un thème central du film est le principe baháí de légalité entre les femmes et les hommes. « L’âme, l’essence de ce qui fait l’être humain, n’est ni mâle ni femelle », dit Mme Rameshfar.

  6. 3 févr. 2021 · A feature-length film on gender equality produced by the Baháí International Community (BIC) premiered today at a virtual screening before a gathering of UN officials, ambassadors of...

  7. 3 févr. 2021 · Glimpses explores the experience communities around the world are gaining in applying the principle of gender equality to their lives, advancing the goals articulated in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.