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  1. Kasper forsøger, på Ninas opfordring, at få spurgt Marie om de skal være kærester, men Marie er optaget af at DSB vil have Pendlerkids til at være frontfigurer i en stor reklamekampagne, og af at holde Pil, Magnus og Lucas udenfor.

  2. 22 oct. 2012 · Pendlerkids: Ny dreng i toget. Kasper er ny dreng i børnetoget. Han vil helst sidde i fred og skrive sine rap-tekster, men han bliver hurtigt uvenner med de andre børn - specielt Tobias. Det viser sig dog, at Tobias laver hiphop-musik, så måske har de to drenge mere til fælles, end de først troede.

  3. Pendlerkids is a drama music series about Kasper and Tobias, two boys who rap on the train between Jutland and Copenhagen. They meet Marie, a girl with a famous father, and face challenges and opportunities in their lives.

  4. Overview. Kasper's parents are divorced. Every other weekend he takes the train between Jutland and the capital with a group of other children. Kasper finds it difficult to make friends, but he has a talent for rapping and it gives him a strong connection with another outsider Tobias, who makes music on his computer.

  5. Kasper's parents are divorced. Every other weekend he takes the train between Jutland and the capital with a group of other children. Kasper finds it difficult to make friends, but he has a talent for rapping and it gives him a strong connection with another outsider Tobias, who makes music on his computer. On the train the two boys make a rap CD for a pretty girl named Marie. It turns out ...

  6. Ole is trying various kinds of therapy to make the Pendlerkids get along. Steve has found a superstar that he believes can be a good mentor for the kids, but Ole is obstructing his plan.

  7. Pendlerkids have arrived in Copenhagen, ready to perform in 'Aftenshowet'. Marie has left the band, because Pil has spoiled the fun. Kasper has to choose between the dream and his friendship with Marie.