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  1. Asmāʾ bint ʿUmays ( Arabic: أَسْمَاء بِنْت عُمَيْس) was a female companion of Muhammad. She is known for having married three famous companions of Muhammad, namely, Ja'far ibn Abi Talib, [1] Abu Bakr, and Ali. [2] Early life and family.

  2. 12 sept. 2019 · Asma' bint 'Umays Ibn Ma'd Ibn Tamîm Ibn al-Hârith Ibn Ka'b Ibn Mâlik Ibn Quhâfah. She was called Umm' Abdullah. Life in Islam. She had embraced Islam early, even before Muslims got into al-Arqam house. She was the wife of Ja'far Ibn Abu Tâlib. Asmâ' was among the early immigrants too.

  3. Asmâ’ bint ‘Umays (en arabe : أسماء بنت عميس) était parmi les compagnons du Prophète Muhammad (s). Lors du martyre de Sayyida Zahra (a), elle y était présente et conformément au testament de la Dame Fatima Zahra (a), elle aida l’Imam Ali (a) à faire les bains rituels (Ghusl du mort) de son corps.

  4. ʿUmays رَضِیَ الـلّٰـهُ عَنْهَا is from the notable, early converts to Islam who answered the Prophet’s call before most people. As a woman of great learning and erudition, she was hailed as a scholar among the female companions and went on to become a central transmitter of hadith.

  5. 28 déc. 2022 · Téhéran (IQNA)-Le nom de lhonorable Zahra (sa) est associé à celui d’Asma bint Umais, compagnonne du Prophète (psl) et qui est connue pour sa dévotion envers lui et comme source valable de hadiths et de récits.

  6. 26 sept. 2022 · Ustadha ‪@themaryamamir‬ gives comforting spiritual and practical insights about Asma bint Umays رضي الله عنه. Ustadha Maryam expands on her noble lineage, her embracing Islam early ...

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