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  1. Abdullah ibn Uthman ibn Affan (arabe : عبدالله بن عثمان بن عفان), (620 – 625), était l'un des petit-fils du prophète islamique Mahomet. Il naquit de l'union entre Uthman ibn Affan (le troisième des Califes bien guidés) et la fille de Muhammad Ruqayyah [1].

  2. Abd Allah ibn Uthman (Arabic: عبد الله ابن عثمان, romanized: ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿUthmān ‎; c. 620 – November 625), was the son of the third caliph Uthman (r. 644–656) and Ruqayya bint Muhammad. Born in Abyssinia, Abd Allah was the first grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Biography

  3. `Outhmân Ibnou `Affân, que Allāh l’agrée, a succédé à `Oumar ibn al-KhaTTâb en l’an 24 de l’hégire. Il compte parmi les premiers hommes à être entrés en Islam. Il a été surnommé Dhou n-Nourayn. Son ascendance. Il se nomme Abôu `Amr `Outhmân fils de (ibnou) `Affân, fils de 'Abi l-`AS. Sa mère est 'Arwâ, fille de Kourayz.

  4. › wiki › UthmanUthman - Wikipedia

    Perhaps the most significant act of Uthman was allowing Muawiya and Abdullah ibn Saad, governors respectively of Syria and Northern Africa, to form the first integrated Muslim navy in the Mediterranean Sea, rivalling the maritime domination of the Byzantine Empire.

  5. Chapter: The collection of the Qur'an. (3) باب جَمْعِ الْقُرْآنِ. Narrated Anas bin Malik: Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman came to `Uthman at the time when the people of Sham and the people of Iraq were Waging war to conquer Arminya and Adharbijan.

  6. 17 janv. 2020 · Abou Bakr Abdullah ibn Uthman (ou Abou Bakr As-Siddiq), né à La Mecque en 573, était le fils d'Uthman Abu Quhafa (538-635), du clan Banu Taym de la tribu des Quraysh.

  7. Family tree of Uthman. ʿUthmān ibn ʿAffān (Arabic: عثمان بن عفان) (c. 576 – June 17, 656) was the third Caliph of the Ummah, and is regarded by the Muslims as one of the Four Righteously Guided Caliphs. He reigned from 644 until 656.