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  1. Safiyyah bint Abd al-Muttalib (Arabic: صفية بنت عبدالمطلب, romanized: Ṣafīyya bint ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib; c. 567/569–640; 53 BH to 18 AH) was a companion and aunt of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

  2. Safiyya bint 'Abd Al-Muttalib. Safiyya était l'une des tantes paternelles de l'Envoyé de Dieu et la fille de Abd Al-Muttalib, le grand-père paternel du Prophète . Elle fut la mère de Zubayr ibn Al-Awâm, l'un des élus du Paradis. Safiyya embrassa l'Islam très tôt, dès les premiers appels du Prophète qui interpella les membres de son ...

  3. Safiyyah bint ‘Abdul Muttalib. A resolute and fearless woman. The first woman to kill a polytheist fighting in the path of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala. She gave birth to and raised the first person to unsheathe his sword for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala, Zubair ibn al ‘Awwam radiya Llahu ‘anhu.

  4. Saffiyah Bint Abdul Mutallib (ra) raised a lion in her son Zubayr. She was the closest sibling to another lion: her brother Hamza Ibn Abdul Mutallib (ra). To understand what came out of...

  5. Safiyyah Bint 'Abd Al-Muttalib. Safiyyah was the daughter of 'Abd al-Muttalib Ibn Hashim al-Qurayshi al­Hashimi and her mother was Halah Bint Wuhayb Ibn 'Abd-Manaf. She was also the maternal sister of Hamzah and the paternal aunt of the Messenger of God (S). During the Era of Ignorance before Islam she married Harith Ibn Harb Ibn Umayyah, and ...

  6. Saffiyah Bint Abdul Mutallib (ra) raised a lion in her son Zubayr and was the closest sibling to Hamza Ibn Abdul Mutallib (ra). Discover her story now!

  7. Safiyya did not hesitate to risk her life for the sake of Allah and His messenger. She became the first Muslim woman to kill an unbeliever in the history of Islam. The incident took place during the Battle of Uhud. When the Prophet left for the Battle of Uhud, he placed the women, girls and boys in the house of Hz.