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  1. Bishr ibn al-Ḥasan (Arabic: بشر بن الحسن) was a great-grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He was the son of second Shia Imam Hasan ibn Ali. He is considered to be one of the martyrs of the Battle of Karbala, although no record describes the circumstances surrounding his death by enemy forces.

  2. Bishr ibn al-Ḥārith (Arabic: بشر بن الحارث) better known as Bishr al-Ḥāfī (Bishr the Barefoot) (Arabic: بشر الحافي) was a Muslim saint born near Merv in about 767 C.E. He converted and studied Muslim tradition under Al-Fozail ibn Iyaz. Bishr became famous as one of the greatest saints in the area.

  3. 29 juin 2021 · Bishr ibn al-Bara’ ibn Ma’rur al-Ansari was a Companion of Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) from the Khazraj tribe. Death. Bishar was murdered shortly after the Victory at Khaybar by Zaynab bint Al-Harith, a jewish women who attempted to assassinate the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) with a poisoned sheep.

  4. Abdullah bin Bishr. In this way we get a golden roll of about 120 martyrs who sacrificed their lives “in the way of Allah”, in the battle of Karbala or shortly before or after that supreme encounter between Iman and kufr.

  5. Shaykh Wahbi Ghawiji cites a statement explicitly confirming this date from Imam Abu al-Hasan `Ali ibn Ibrahim al-Muqri (Ibn Matar) who died in the year 306: “Imam al-Ash`ari composed it in Baghdad upon entering it.”

  6. 23 juil. 2012 · A la mort d’al-Shâfi’i, Nafîsa aurait demandé que son corps soit transporté chez elle afin qu’elle lui fasse une prière spéciale. Une autre figure de renom, l’ascète Bishr al-Hafi (rahimahullah), lui rendait souvent visite pour profiter de sa sagesse et de son immense savoir.

  7. One of the celebrated personalities of al‑Nazzam's circle is Bishr ibn al­ Mu'tamir. The exact date of his birth is not known, but his date of death is 210/825. Bishr made the “Theory of Generated Acts” ( tawlid ) current among the Mu'tazilites.