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  1. Il y a 1 jour · – Hänen Ukrainan itsenäisyyttä ja demokratiaa tukevat julkiset puheenvuoronsa olivat voimakkaita ja selkeitä, McFaul toteaa. Harris on McFaulin mukaan korostanut, että Yhdysvallat ei tue Ukrainaa hyväntekeväisyydestä vaan siksi, että Ukrainan menestys on lännen strategisten etujen mukaista.

  2. Il y a 4 heures · Kerry found it hard to penetrate Dublin, with Eoin Murchan following Paudie Clifford and Michael Fitzsimons keeping Clifford relatively quiet but the Kerry captain suffered from a lack of supply. A tense and cagey first half ended dramatically with a Kerry goal from Paul Geaney , set up by a magical pass by Clifford from near the corner flag at the Hill 16 end, giving the defending champions a ...

  3. Il y a 4 heures · 2024 →. The 2023 All-Ireland Senior Football Championship was the 136th edition of the Gaelic Athletic Association 's premier inter-county Gaelic football tournament since its establishment in 1887. Thirty one of the thirty two Irish counties took part – Kilkenny did not compete, while London and New York completed the lineup.

  4. Il y a 4 heures · Оранжевая ленточка, символ Оранжевой революции на Украине. Ора́нжевая револю́ция ( укр. Помаранчева революція ) — широкая кампания протестов, митингов, пикетов, забастовок, которая ...

  5. Il y a 1 jour · The situation in Venezuela right now reminds me a lot of the presidential election days in Serbia in 2000 and Ukraine in 2004, with one big exception--Gonzalez's lead in the exit poll is much higher than these two previous cases of democratic breakthrough. 1/ THREAD — Michael McFaul (@McFaul) July 29, 2024

  6. Il y a 1 jour · Ex-US-Diplomat Michael McFaul (64) wird noch deutlicher: „Demokraten der Welt, vereinigt euch! Lasst Maduro diese Wahl nicht stehlen. Das Volk von Venezuela hat etwas Besseres verdient“, ...