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  1. 8 févr. 2005 · Interviewed by John Mashey on 2005-02-08 in Mountain View, CA© Computer History MuseumAt Bell Laboratories in 1977, Ken Thompson (best known as the co-creato...

  2. It began in 1969 when Ken Thompson discovered a little-used PDP-7 computer and set out to fashion a computing environment that he liked. His work soon attracted me; I joined in the enterprise, though most of the ideas, and most of the work for that matter, were his.

  3. 10 juil. 2024 · Kenneth Lane Thompson is an American computer scientist and cowinner of the 1983 A.M. Turing Award, the highest honour in computer science. Thompson and the American computer scientist Dennis M. Ritchie were cited jointly for “their development of generic operating systems theory and specifically

  4. Computerrecently visited Ken Thompson at Lucent’s Bell Labs to learn about Thompson’s early work on Unix and his more recent research in distributed computing. Daniel Cooke Texas Tech University Joseph Urban Arizona State University Scott Hamilton Computer Kanai Award For more information on the Kanai Award, see “With Two New Awards, We ...

  5. 22 déc. 2019 · Unix 开发者之一,Ken Thompson 在贝尔实验室的小老弟; Plan 9 操作系统作者之一; Go 语言设计团队第一任老大; Ken Thompson 与 Dennis Ritchie 一起发明了 Unix 和 C 语言,经典 C 语言标准 “K&R C” 中的 K; Plan 9 操作系统作者之一; 图灵奖获得者(1983) Go 语言设计团队元老; Russ Cox

  6. 3 nov. 2019 · 50年前,除了Apollo上天之外,还有一个大事的发生,就是Unix操作系统的诞生,若干年前我写过《Unix的传奇,上篇,下篇》,Unix是我入行前十年伴我成长的操作系统,虽然现在Linux早已接过了Unix的时代交接棒,但是,Unix文化对我个人的技术观影响是非常大的(注:《Unix编程艺术》是一本对影响我很 ...

  7. In the 1960s-1970s, Ken Thompson co-invented the UNIX operating system along with Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs. He also worked on the language B, the operatin...