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  1. Make Pratt your place. Pratt is a creative community of artists, architects, designers, and thinkers—people who want to change culture and shape the future through the things they do and make. We come from all walks of life and all over the world to think, question, and create together. Your journey to Pratt starts here, with our admissions team.

  2. Pratt is an institute, an experience, and an idea. What started as a radical experiment to expand access to creative careers is now a community of 5,137 grad and undergrad students working across 48 programs with 1,200 dedicated faculty. 135 years in the making, this is Pratt.

  3. El passat 21 de Juny de 2024, va ser el darrer dia del curs, l’alumnat, famílies i professorat de l’Institut Escola del Prat vam realitzar la festa final de curs, on hi vam veure diverses actuacions i l’entrega del graduat de l’alumnat de quart d’ESO.…

  4. 19 juin 2015 · Jornada de Portes Obertes a l’Institut Illa dels Banyols pel curs 2024-25. Curs Especialització: Dimecres 19 de juny 2024 en horari de tarda 18:30h INSCRIPCIÓ Jornada Curs d’Especialització Dimecres dia 19-06-24 Us informem de les dates de…

  5. Avui el Pol Sánchez, alumne de 2n de Batxillerat, ha rebut el premi UB-Santander de la Facultat de Física de la Universitat de Barcelona pel seu Treball de Recerca “Implementació d’un sistema per a la monitorització a distància de l’activitat cardíaca mitjançant ECG”.

  6. The Pratt Manhattan center, located at 144 West 14th Street, between 6th and 7th Avenue, is home to Pratt's associate degrees programs in graphic design, illustration, and digital design, and interactive media, an undergraduate program in construction management, several of Pratt's graduate programs including the master's degrees in the School of Information, Facilities management, Design ...

  7. With a long-held commitment to the communities of New York, Pratt partners locally through the Pratt Center for Community Development to work for a more just city. The Institute also offers a variety of programs for local pre-college and continuing education students in the Center for Art, Design, and Community Engagement K–12 and the School of Continuing and Professional Studies.